Help!I lost my password for my account on dymo.Help!I lost my password for my account on dymo.My brother made me two copies of my dymo 1655 and 1651 and I lost one of them. I can't use it so I need to know how to change my password on my 1655 or 1651 to get it back. I am a total newbie. Please help me.Thank you! :)
Games - Computer Hope you find a decent game for your computer, can you help me with?I play games for about 6 hours a day, a lot of games including some free ones. I get bored of them quite fast, so I get depressed when I can't play them. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit on a Pentium D processor 3.2 GHz with a nVidia GeForce 8800 GT video card, 4GB RAM and a 160GB HDD. Can you help me find a game for me? I'm looking for a game that is:low on system usage (dunno if this means like not fullscreen)low on system resorces (duh)cost effective (i'm in school here)fun (hehe)fullscreen (so i can use my computer as a computer and not watch/play it)not too hard or too easy (i'm an 80s cartoon kid, that is why I like fullscreen games) (NTSF: SSX Deadly Descents IS A MUST!!!)So far i've played: Arkham Asylum (ok, i agree, it's a pain in the butt, but i like to finish games)Resistance: Fall of Man (it's ok, but i wanted another game similar to The Resistance but i liked Fall of Man a bit better)Shadow of the Colossus (don't ask me why, i like it)The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (i haven't played it yet, so i cannot give you a review)The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind (yes, i liked that game a lot too, i haven't played that yet, but i have seen some people mention it and i wanted to play it now. That game was also my 1st Elder Scrolls game. I might play it now while i'm on vacation with my family and i'll take pictures)The Dark Knight (i liked it a lot, but i'm not sure if i'll buy that or not. In the end i wanted to make it to Arkham Asylum)
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